Coronavirus: Nigerian lady confirms death of cousin who is a doctor in London

Ayishat Akanbi

A Nigerian lady, Ayishat Akanbi, warns blacks to disregard the claim that coronavirus cannot affect them

Ayishat says her warning is because she just lost a cousin who is a medical doctor as a result of the virus

The Nigerian lady says her cousin who died from the virus was just in her 30s If you think that being a Nigerian, an African or black makes you immune to the now spreading and dreaded coronavirus, then you may just have been lying to yourself.

A young Nigerian lady, Ayishat Akanbi, has confirmed the death of her cousin, who is a medical doctor. Ayishat said her cousin died in London after suffering from the effect of the virus that has affected over 120,000 and caused thousands of deaths across the world.

Ayishat Akanbi says she lost her cousin to coronavirus in London Credit: Great British Speakers Source: UGC “My cousin who is a doctor and in her early 30s died of coronavirus this morning for anyone irresponsible enough to think black people are immune,” she said with many of her followers asking her to remain strong and praying for the dead.

Baba NostraAdeptus, one of those who consoled Ayishat, said he had been screaming since the day it was claimed that it was only the elderly and those with other ailments that could have a fatal effect of the disease. had quoted a report by the Guardian as indicating that a 64-year-old Nigerian, Okunuga Olumide Saraju, was found dead in his home in Modena, Italy, where he lived alone. According to the report, Okunuga, a native of Ikenne in Ogun state and president of Egbe Omo Yoruba in Emilia Romagna region, was found dead at about 11 am on Tuesday, March 10, at his home.

The report said there were suspicions that he may have died of coronavirus infection, a disease that has ravaged Italy in the past few weeks. Meanwhile, an 86-year-old man and his 82-year-old wife have died after living together for 60 years. Their love remained strong even at the point of their demise.

The duo died after battling with coronavirus, the pandemic that is spreading across the world and that has affected over 120,000 people. One of them died at 9.15 am on Tuesday, March 10, while the other followed at 11am, just one hour, 45 minutes apart.