In a statement on Tuesday, the APC accused Obi of inciting Nigerians against the Tinubu-led administration and leading a “headless mob” of bullies who threaten others.
“There’s no doubt that Mr Obi has crossed the line of truth in his many assessments. As a candidate for the office of president in the last general election, Mr Obi made bold electoral promises to implement specific economic policies to address the country’s economic crisis.
“For example, Mr Obi promised to abolish the fuel subsidy from day one. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu abolished the fuel subsidy on day one. Obi has continued to lambast and incite Nigerians against the Tinubu administration for doing exactly what he promised he would do if he were elected president. That is crossing the line of truth,” the statement reads.
The APC’s statement follows criticism of comments by its spokesperson, Felix Morka, in an interview with Arise TV on Monday.
Mr Morka had said Mr Obi had “crossed the line” and should be “ready for whatever he gets,” a remark which many interpreted as a threat to Mr Obi.
However, the APC described Mr Obi’s supporters as a “headless mob” who bully and issue death threats to those who disagree with or criticise Mr Obi’s views.
“Obi leads a restless band of online mobs who continue to attack, intimidate, bully, and issue death threats to other citizens who dare disagree or criticise Obi or his opinions or position on any subject of national conversation.
“Many eminent and highly respected elder statesmen have been serially attacked, humiliated, and bullied by Obi’s online followers. Obi has never condemned their conduct or called them to order,” the statement added.
On Monday, Mr Obi himself said he had received death threats after his New Year’s Day press conference, in which he criticised Tinubu’s government.