By Kamal Tayo Oropo As Dr Adesina prepares his handover notes, he reflects with pride on the remarkable accomplishments achieved during his presidency. His message highlights the collective efforts of...
By Isaac Aregbesola Corruption, a scourge that has plagued humanity for centuries, has been aptly described as the “deadliest affliction of humanity after terrorism” by Ola Olukoyede, Chairman of the...
By Felicia Imohimi Available data indicates that Nigeria has an arable land area of 34 million hectares; 6.5 million hectares for permanent crops and 28.6 million hectares on meadows and...
Sungbo Eredo grove By Taiye Olayemi The ancient Sungbo Eredo monument is tucked away in the lush greenery of the Ijebu-Ode forest in Ogun through to Ilara-Epe, the ancient kingdom...