Renowned socialite Pascal Chibuike Okechukwu, better known as Cubana Chief Priest, has made an appearance at the Ikoyi High Court in response to charges related to alleged financial misconduct involving the national currency.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) disclosed yesterday that Cubana Chief Priest would face charges today over purported misuse of funds. The commission formally lodged the charges at the Federal High Court in Ikoyi, with the arraignment set before Justice Kehinde Ogundare at 9am.
EFCC’s announcement follows a recent crackdown on several celebrities for alleged financial infractions, with cross-dresser Idris Okunneye, popularly known as Bobrisky, serving as a notable example. Bobrisky was convicted last Friday after EFCC’s prosecution on similar charges, resulting in a six-month jail sentence.