JOS- A Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. John Jonathan, has advised couples against divorce, saysing it is not just a big mistake, but a grievous sin in the sight of God.
Jonathan gave the warning in his sermon at St Finberrs’ Catholic Church, Rayfield, Jos, on Sunday.
”Marriage is instituted by God, hence couples should seek His wisdom and direction in difficult times rather than getting divorced.
”God instituted marriage because it is a good thing; He instructed that a man and a woman to live together and bear children
”’Rather than resort to the sin of divorce, seek God’s grace, wisdom and understanding in times of challenges.
”Allow God to be at the centre of your homes and that way, challenges and other marital problems will be addressed amicably,”he advised.
Jonathan also advised couples to pray regularly, support each other and work toward achieving a smooth marriage.
The priest also advised young people planning to marry to be wise in choosing their partners.
NAN reports that the Catholic Church does not permit divorce for valid sacramental marriages.
The Catechism says, “Divorce is a grave offense against the natural law.
It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death. (NAN)