Chubby and chic Nollywood actress, Innocenthia Sochi Ihebie has disclosed to Potpourri in a chat that she didn’t come into the movie industry enchanted with some fantasies as some actresses were. The English Language graduate of the National Open University admits she knows her limits, weaknesses and strengths and that she doesn’t get hoodwinked into being what she is not.
“ I do not think I chose acting. I feel like acting chose me, because I naturally just fell in love with acting from childhood. I have sacrificed years of my life, over 15 years of my life on this job. I actually never had fantasies and I do not think I have a preferred character I love to play. I know I will kill every role given to me but I still would never go completely nude in a movie or will I sleep in a coffin. These are the only two things I cannot do,” she said.
Centhia also disclosed that she’s a very romantic kind of woman when it comes to sex and love but can’t be caught dead flaunting her sexuality.
“I feel like everybody has their lives to live and it’s their choice to flaunt whatever they want but I am never going to do it because it’s not my kind of lifestyle but I judge nobody. For the opposite sex, what attracts me would be his personality before any other thing because there is a lot more. I love love and I love money, like Davido once said, love is sweet but sweeter with money in it. I am a very romantic kind of woman when it comes to love and sex, I mean extremely romantic,” she added.