Pretty Nollywood actress, Toyin Aimakhu-Johnson, says she has realised she made a big mistake by exposing her body earlier in her career and that it almost affected her but for her husband who pointed out the danger to her and made her stop.
Toyin who recently signed her first endorsement deal with Vas2Net Technologies, said she regretted ever dressing in such a manner and warns actresses who are now exposing their bodies to desist from it as such acts can destroy their careers.
“I have learnt my lesson. People don’t like those who expose their bodies in public. Celebrities can do it abroad but it is alien to our own culture. I was young and carefree and had nobody to caution me.
“It took my husband to enlighten me and make me see my mistakes. He helped me to realise I am a role model and have influence on my fans. I have realised these things now and it has helped me to have mature and quality fans who now show more interest in my personality and works.
“I now encourage other people. Ever since then, my fortune has changed. I now have quality jobs and offers.” (