Is Uganda a Dangerous Country to Visit? See this Hilarious Response

By Innocent Masengo

Oh yes. We have nuclear weapons, we have military bases in more than 50% of the counties in the world, we overthrow any president or leader whose country’s interests are not aligned to ours so we plunge that country into anarchy, our police can easily shoot you if you are white, so racism is real here. We are even capable of dropping some atomic bombs on other countries. And this is just the starter. We eat humans, especially Caucasians. We somehow bribe CNN and other media to write such articles about us so that we can lure you into our den and eat you.

Lets join and pray for the 60,000 American tourists that visit Uganda annually, that the SEAL Team 6 that accompanies them to ensure their safety never blinks.

I am kidding! Uganda is one of the most peaceful nations in Africa, and its people were voted among the warmest and most welcoming in the world. For this reason, we let in more refugees than Europe . Now, you do not run away from danger and go to danger, do you? Welcome to Uganda, The Pearl of Africa.