If ACOTA were a corporate body, the MD, a certain Mr Kiri Wakama would currently be receiving global acclaims as a game-changer who led a corner start-up shop to a conglomerate.
But we are in the spiritual arena here. Specifically, a church under the Anglican umbrella. It’s trite to say that a true Christian has no power of his own. In everything, we are led by God, through the Holy Spirit, who uses us for his purposes, and all glory must return to him.
Having said that, this exciting story of the work of our Lord must be told that we may learn therefrom in furtherance of his Church and His Kingdom. Just as we read today, the story of Moses, Joseph, Nehemiah and Paul, to name just a few chosen men.
CHANGING THE GAME FOR THE LORD: On December 12, 2023, about 14 bishops led by the Diocesan Bishop of Lagos, The RT. REVD. Ifedola Okupevi converged upon the Anglican Church of Transformation, Abijo (ACOTA). It wasn’t a Nigerian Bishops’ conference. No.
It was the Dedication of ACOTA. A magnificent three-level edifice on Km 42 of the Lekki-Epe Expressway. It’s probably among the best purpose-built worship places in Nigeria today.
On that 12th day of the 12th month of 2023, 12 bishops expected. But it turned out a carnival of the clergy and laity. The occasion was so overwhelming that the Diocesan, in a moment of solemnity, noted that if “the congregation opened their eyes, they would see the glory of God.”
That was a little over a year ago. This time, last Saturday 1st February, 2O25 precisely, ACOTA achieved another landmark in the annals of Lagos Diocese. That bright, sunny day, ACOTA was inaugurated as an Archdeaconry and The VEN. KIRI WAKAMA was inducted, installed and instituted as the ARCHDEACON.
About five bishops were in attendance. Led once again by the Diocesan of Lagos, Bishop Okupevi and his wife. The church was filled to the brim. Vehicles spilled on to the road stretching down almost a kilometre.
Quite significant on the day, was the presence of a notable clergy, THE MOST. REVD Ephraim Adebola Ademowo, retired Bishop of Lagos and Dean emeritus of Church of Nigeria. Ademowo was led to play important roles in the pastoral rise and growth of Ven. Kiri.
Preaching on the day, The Rt. Revd. Yinka Akinlade, Bishop of Ife, explained the magnitude of the occasion. His opening words are: “This day is a miracle.” And after detailing Ven. Kiri’s pastoral journey, he affirmed that Kiri Wakama indeed, had “broken records” to reach the height of an administrative archdeacon raising a church from scratch in less than two decades.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN: Ven. Kiri was a only a postulant (seminary student) in 2007 when he was assigned to pastor a small church planted in an obscure corner of Abijo two years earlier.
Two years later, in 2009, Kiri through hard work, vision, divine unction, and under the supervision of the Anglican Church on the Peninsular (ANCOPEN), moved the backstreet church to the roadside along the Expressway. He had become a deacon and was officially announced the vicar of the Church. But he knew the church needed a more visible location to grow. How a church with a pittance of weekly offering could afford a prime roadside land is a story to be told another day.
A bigger church was built. A wooden church by the road side with an oversized signboard. The new church was derisively called the “Match-box Church with a big signboard.”
The church was dedicated by His Grace, Archbishop Ademowo, the then Diocesan Bishop of Lagos on January 31st, 2010 and named, The Anglican Church of Transformation, Abijo (ACOTA).
From then on, ACOTA began to grow ceaselessly. A second service was introduced, yet it was apparent that the church was divined for greatness.
In 2015, it became obvious that the work of God was being circumscribed and choked up. A larger expanse of land was acquired across the Expressway , almost opposite the wooden church. And that may have marked the beginning of the making of the ACOTA Archdeaconry.
The new site was christened GOSHEN (a place in Egypt given exclusively to the Jews (children of God, Genesis 45); a place of preservation and deliverance.
Eight years later, an imposing sanctuary of worship was completed and dedicated. Last Saturday, it was inaugurated an Archdeaconry of the Diocese Lagos, Anglican Church.
A MAN LED BY GOD: From the abridged story above, it’s obvious that Kiri Wakama is a man especially elected by God for his big purposes. It takes some established churches over 50 years to be elevated to the status of an archdeaconry. But here’s a church planted less than 20 years ago.
For many reasons, ACOTA was never destined to be something more than a rustic church in the heart of Abijo. One, land in the Lekki axis is hot commodity and two, the swampy and sandy terrain make building daunting and costly.
All these factors didn’t seem to deter Kiri, an architect who excelled as a banker. A late entrant to the service, it is said that it took the divine intervention of Bishop Ademowo to have him admitted into the seminary.
HIS KEY SUCCESS FACTORS: Kiri’s story is not unlike God moving Nehemiah from his comfort zone in the King’s Palace in a foreign land to go rebuild the fallen walls of Jerusalem by fire, or by force. Kiri had to switch gears from a gilt-edged corporate world to building a new Jerusalem for the Lord.
Indeed, you have to be truly in the spirit to achieve a feat like this. As Bishop Akinlade (Ife), one of Kiri’s spiritual fathers testified from the pulpit at the inauguration, Kiri is a man of immense vision. “He is gentle, he listens and he’s very accommodating.”
Akinlade also noted that Kiri was an unconventional man who loves exploits. For instance, he chose to mount a signboard almost bigger than the church; he would cause luxury cars to be parked in front of the little church for effect!
The man in Ife had more accolades for Kiri: He did big crusades, medical outreaches and his “harvests were big events.” Then he acquired a large parcel of land across the road and built an “architectural masterpiece.” An here we are today.
Okupevi couldn’t hide his joy at the occasion. He revealed to all that he knew Kiri more, being his parishioner at the Cathedral and having taught him at the seminary.
“Kiri is a crowd puller,” Okupevi told the church. Now you have 11 churches under your care. Would they be doubled by year end?”
Such is the level of confidence Lagos reposes on Kiri.
NOT IN MY WILDEST DREAMS: The newly minted Venerable was near emotional in his response. He never dreamed he would be in such spotlight as this or become a Venerable. Being a late entrant, he said all he wanted was to serve, perhaps make a Reverend Canon and retire.
He said he would never have made it this far without his wife and soulmate, Nengi. His parishioners have been the best any priest would wish for, he noted. They made it all happen.
SOME POINTS TO NOTE: There are about five takeaways to pick from Kiri’s success.
First, maturity and diverse experience: having succeeded in the corporate world, Kiri surely brought his rich experience to bear on his pastoral calling.
He knows that everything keeps evolving with time. For instance, the mode of worship in the Old Testament is markedly different from what obtains in the New Testament era. It’s the same principle today. While we keep an eye on the ball (faith, salvation, etc.) worship needs be tweaked to align with each age. This explains why worshipping with Kiri is a refreshing experience in numerous ways.
It would be difficult for any parishioner to leave ACOTA to a so-called new generation church. Why? ACOTA is a new generation Anglican Church!
What else makes Kiri tick? Candour, refreshing candour. You cannot help but like him. He is a man without cant, he is also possessed of a good heart that’s light and jovial. He is known for judicious use of funds, extracting value for every naira. More important, he and Mamayard reputed to give as much as he gets from parishioners.
Plus more: Branding, public relations, consumer experience, feedback, innovation, stakeholders engagement, etc. For instance, ACOTA is intentionally positioned as a FIVE-STAR church. This has a strong significance. These are some of Kiri’s tools of trade in the service of our Lord.
These traits may have set Kiri apart for divine exploits.
BOTTOMLINE: Venerable Kiri Wakama, Archdeacon of Abijo Archdeaconry, is truly a man on a mission. Again, it is trite to state that God chooses whomsoever He wishes for this specific assignments. God’s hand is surely visible here for all to see. Glory, honour and adoration be unto His name forever and ever. Amen.
•Osuji is a parishioner in ACOTA.
•Feedback: steve.osuji@gmail.com
•OSUJISTEVE /04.02.25