Renowned Nigerian Highlife icon, Godwin Kabaka Opara, has tragically passed away, as announced by his record label, Derda Promotions, on Friday. The chief operating officer, Ammarachi Anyanwu, confirmed the sad news, though the cause of death was not disclosed.
Kabaka, a distinguished songwriter and guitarist, breathed life into the Highlife music scene, captivating audiences with his infectious melodies.
In a somber statement, Derda Promotions expressed deep sorrow over the loss of Kabaka, highlighting his pivotal role in revolutionizing Highlife music. His musical journey spanned decades, during which he co-founded The Oriental Brothers International Band in 1973, leaving an indelible mark with socially conscious lyrics and unparalleled instrumental mastery.
Transitioning to a solo career in 1976 with The Kabaka International Guitar Band, Kabaka continued to captivate listeners with fourteen albums, including timeless hits like ‘Mangala Special’. His artistic range knew no bounds as he delved into Ezebongo rhythms, showcasing his versatility and innovation. Joining forces with The Imo City Band further solidified his status as a legend in the realm of Highlife music.
Kabaka’s enduring legacy was celebrated with his triumphant return in September 2023, marked by the release of ‘The Return of Kabaka‘ album, which garnered over a million streams and earned a place among the top 100 albums worldwide. Though he may have left this world, Kabaka’s music will continue to resonate with fans, ensuring that his spirit lives on through his timeless melodies.