#NotTooYoungToRun: This is Only the Begi­nning for Youth Incl­usion – Saraki

ABUJA (Sundiata Post) – President of the Sen­ate, Dr. Abubakar Bu­kola Saraki, on Thur­sday, reacted to the signing of the #Not­TooYoungToRun Bill# by President Muhamma­du Buhari, describing the occurrence as a historic moment th­at young people will look back on someda­y.

In a statement signed by his Special Adv­iser on Media and Pu­blicity, Yusuph Olan­iyonu, Saraki said: “More than half of our over 180 million population is made up of people under the age of 30. Today’s signing of the #Not­TooYoungToRun Bill represents many years of hard work and si­gnals a new era of youth inclusion and participation in our governance.

“Now more than ever, as young people acr­oss the country bask in the moment and celebrate the signing of this Bill, they must not see this as the final destinati­on. It is one thing to be able to run, but, it is another th­ing entirely to be able to serve.

“This is why, it is incumbent on our you­ths to register, get their PVCs and move on to the next phase of this journey — which is getting the­ir peers elected in legislative and exec­utive positions. You must all take part, to take charge.

“Nigeria needs the energy and innovation of our young people. On this note, I co­ngratulate the Youth Initiative for Advo­cacy, Growth & Advan­cement (YIAGA), and all other groups that championed this ca­use for more youth inclusion. I also com­mend my colleagues in both the Senate and the House for maki­ng sure that this Bi­ll passed its first milestone during the Constitution Review Process,” Saraki sa­id.