Obi Cubana, also known as Obinna Iyiegbu, has attributed his success not only to his wife, Ebinna Iyiegbu, but also to his sister, Ada Akaeze.
On the occasion of Ada Akaeze’s birthday, Obi Cubana expressed his gratitude towards her and reflected on how her support during their challenging early days in Abuja played a crucial role in shaping his achievements today.
Obi Cubana acknowledged that his sister played a pivotal role in his life when he was struggling to make ends meet.
She would often provide him with takeaway meals and give him small amounts of money to sustain himself.
He expressed his wonderment at what would have happened to him if it weren’t for her assistance during those difficult times.
In a heartfelt message dedicated to his sister, Obi Cubana expressed his deep appreciation and love for her.
He referred to her as “Omalicha Adanne m” and acknowledged that without her interventions, he might not have become the successful Obi Cubana that he is today.
He recalled a particular year when he was facing hardships, and his sister’s support, in the form of takeaway meals and pocket money after completing his Youth Service, prevented him from giving up on his dreams.
He pondered on the alternate path his life could have taken if it weren’t for her timely aid.
Obi Cubana made it clear that he wanted to use the occasion of his sister’s birthday to express his gratitude and admiration for her.
He recognized the positive impact she had on his life, not only during their early adulthood but also in the present. He acknowledged that he owes her a debt of gratitude that will last a lifetime.
He concluded his message by declaring his eternal love for his beautiful sister and wished her a happy birthday.