I agree with Kaigama – EJIRO A EGHAGHA
I align with this well constructed commentary. Every word well crafted to establish the point. Some of us are quite vocal on issues like this and our comments are easily misunderstood, but this write up by Kaigama is one I believe represents all I stand for on this issue.
I don’t think it is enough to align with Kemi just because she is saying what we all know to be true yet buttered up with quite a lot of lies.
My real concern is that any foreigner of Nigerian descent (as she would like to be known as instead of being called a Nigerian) who points at another Nigerian tribe in such disparaging and unfortunate words is not worth an inch of respect by Nigerians.
On the average, 80 women are raped in India daily, and only about 20 ever get any semblance of Justice, yet we never heard Sunak rubbish India, instead we saw him perform his traditional and cultural rites inside 10 Downing Street. Must I post a video of Indian street food vendors and their disgusting sanitary habits before we all agree that Indians like Chinese have serious challenges with public health and food? Did Sunak run India down for this?
Why must ours now be different? How is Kemi different from Trump calling others Shit Hole Countries? Easy, Trump is American talking about the rest of the World, Kemi is Nigerian talking about Nigeria, and that is where the unfortunate pain comes from.
I sympathise with Nigerians who mistake her name and skin color to be a good match with her words.
She isn’t out to impress Nigerians, she’s out to play the role assigned to her by the same people who have sat down idly as Nigeria has been looted and pillaged by their proxy thieving scoundrels over the years since and indeed before Independence.
To those who support Kemi not because she is saying anything new, but because she strikes a tribal chord, an unbreakable link with them, I say, think again. This is Nigeria and we are Nigerians. Nigeria is not yet a tribe, it is a collection of tribes, and each tribe adds flavour to the pot. Some have resources, others have phenomenal talents from sports to music to entertainment and even politics, but collectively that’s what makes us Nigerians.
This matter once again has shown clearly the deceitful nature of being Nigerian. We live in denial that we are primordially and fundamentally tribal by nature. That is who we are, who the British observed for 100 years before roping us together as one unit to be captured for economic reasons, first.
My passing shot is this. I once met a man in Abuja, his parents were Fulani and Igbo, and this was at a time of Fulani making the wrong News. I didn’t even know where to start the conversation. He expressed his pain and I felt it. We can’t go about insulting other tribes in Nigeria because we want to get at the political powers in Nigeria. We have to do something different. Kemi was wrong to abuse the sensibilities of Northerners and by extension Nigerians, she was wrong to tell so many lies at the level of political awareness one would expect from her type.
•Ejiro Eghagha is a writer
••• The should stop blowing hot air – TUNDE BANK-ANTHONY
They should stop blowing hot air, Kemi is not a Nigerian, and she doesn’t give a damn about Nigeria. Even Shade Adu, who was born in Nigeria, does not want to be associated with Nigeria. How many concerts has she performed in Nigeria. Does the name Shelly Bassey ring a bell to you?
If the impunity, genocide, nepotism, segregation, and deprivation haven’t divided Nigeria over the years, I wonder how a British politician’s comments will. Another town crier seeking Susan.
•Tunde Bank-Anthony writes from Lagos.