User of social media platform Facebook have been to a photo that went viral online. The photo shows two girls who dressed up in a dress made from used condoms.
Let’s forget that the dress was beautifully made, using used condoms in making a dress is very unhealthy and can put one live in danger. In the photo you will see two girls standing, with the one in right holding what looks like a microphone, both girls were seems smiling in the photo.
Condoms are the only material can be used both as a method of birth control and also help in the prevention of sexual transmitted disease like HIV and AIDS, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Even if you’re already using a different kind of birth control to avoid pregnancy, it’s a good idea to also use condoms or internal condoms every time you have sex to protect yourself from STDs.
This present generation will do anything to seek fame or go viral online because how can one explain using used condoms in making dress, I don’t see this as fashion but as stupidity and behaviors like these needs to be cautioned and not celebrated as some people on social media are currently doing, using that type of material to make a dress is very unhygienic and should be stopped.
Here some reactions from social media.