Residents of Madina Quarters in the Bauchi metropolis were struck by tragedy on Sunday morning when a fire outbreak claimed the lives of two children, aged 5 and 7.
The victims, Zainab Bashir Muhammad (Hibba) and Ummu Salma Bashir, siblings aged 7 and 5 respectively, were from the same family. The incident occurred at a house near Barden Gabas Primary School, adjacent to Tirwun quarters, a suburb of Bauchi metropolis, around 11:00 am on Sunday.
According to eyewitnesses, the children were left locked in the house by their mother, who had gone on errands, possibly to the market. The cause of the fire remains unknown. Despite efforts by neighbors to rescue the children, they were unable to access the room due to heavy smoke and flames. The father of the children, Bashir Muhammad, was not at home during the incident.
Local firefighters worked to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to nearby structures, particularly considering the dry season. The deceased children were later laid to rest according to Islamic rites. The community mourns the tragic loss while grappling with unanswered questions about the cause of the fire.