Nollywood actor Francis Odega has finally reacted to allegation of beating and sending his wife away alongside their daughter, as reported on news platforms days ago.
Recall that one of Odega’s in-laws few days ago revealed he almost raped her sometime, beats his wife and doesn’t bring anything home. Her post read in parts;
Her post read in part:
“One faithful night, I was home sleeping and my sister was at the hospital, Mr Odega came home and tried to rape me and I managed to run out of the house. So many times he has beaten my sister to the point that she will have to wake up at the hospital and each time all he will say is that my family will do nothing, that we don’t even have money to make any case with him.
Most times he locks her outside overnight and most times he will embarrass her in public by calling her name, stripping her naked, accusing her of so many things. So this year, he sent her packing with her daughter, the only child they both have, but he has refused to pay her school fees. As for my sister, she wants nothing to do with him again because the embarrassment is too much.
He sleeps with the girls working for her. Even in the house they lived, he slept with a married woman and the husband saw them and sent the wife away. I can go on and on.I want Nigerians to help us tell this man to pay her daughters school fees that’s all. Attached is a video of when he beat my sister and sent her packing after locking her out for two nights.”
Reacting, Francis Odega shared a video saying: ‘For those of you judging me without hearing my own side of the story, this is the little I can say for now. Am ara here…’
Watch the video below: