Nowadays where we hear the noise of men and women alongside their great achievements, trending stories of individuals, celebrities, and/or leaders in different industries, and those who have served or are still serving in government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) – the good, bad and worst news. They get featured in different platforms as those to reckon with in society. Some of these personalities are already being seen by not a few people as icons, mentors, coaches, teachers, etc.
Without mincing words, there are some ‘419’ and yahoo-yahoo fellows whom you (my esteemed reader) or society may have unknowingly or knowingly idolised as your role model.
In an era where anyone can own or set up corporate #organisations and hire you to represent them and ‘boom’ your wishes tentacles come alive to desiring to be like them, without a single knowledge of who they are and what they do in reality, you will agree with me that there is an urgent need to differentiate who is who, who a role model is and isn’t.
There are underlining questions that come to mind when dealing with the issue of who a role model is which are but are not limited to the following:
Should a role model be measured according to their success stories, status in society, actions etc.?
As a CEO, a leader in any field, an individual or an employee, what legacy will you leave (what legacy are you leaving) for the next generation?
Are you expected to be without any blemish or blemishes as a role model?
How are you supposed to comport yourself wherever you are – live in pretence, be men-pleasers or try to be yourself at every juncture of your life?
Having established the above, who is a role model?
A role model ought to be an example to others, one who inspires the younger ones most especially, to live their meaningful lives. He or she ought to be showing young people how to live with integrity, helping them to be optimistic, to have hope, to be determined in whatever they do, and to be compassionate or empathetic. A role model should generally be an essential part of the youth’s positive development and everyone else who looks up to them, one way or another.
According to Wikipedia, a role model is a person whose behaviour, example, or success serves as a model to be emulated by others, especially by younger people.
The term role model is credited to sociologist Robert K. Merton, who hypothesised that individuals compare themselves with reference groups of people who occupy the social role to which the individual aspires, an example of which is the way young fans may idolise and imitate professional athletes or entertainment artists.
What is the difference between a role model and a mentor?
While the two terms seem to look alike regarding their roles and the expectations one may have from each of them, a mentor is somewhat different to a role model.
A mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to less experienced people and often younger persons. Mentoring is usually a long-term relationship that has to do with supporting a mentee to grow and develop in their career or whatever they choose to do in life. But in some cases, it could be a short-term relationship depending on the agreement between both parties and the mentor’s availability.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines a mentor as “a trusted counsellor or guide.” Other sources expand on this definition by suggesting that a mentor is someone who helps you with your career, specific work projects, or general life advice out of the goodness of his or her heart.
There are major qualities I believe everyone should look out for when choosing a role model that distinguishes them from other people. Some of them include:
1) Good culture or set of values:
This has to do with when someone acts in line with their beliefs, norms, etc. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say. These are what makes you become a promoter of social change helping those who look up to you to do the same. If you are a peace ambassador, for instance, you should not be seen promoting violence under any circumstances, and if such were to happen, you should be ready to explain to your followers or acquaintances the reason behind your action. If you pride yourself on being a nation-builder, you should not be seen speaking badly about your nation, no matter what, to say the least. Your words and actions must be in tandem with your values.
2) Selflessness:
A role model is supposed to be people-focused and not self-centred. He or she should be involved in giving back to society with the little God has blessed them with. You don’t have to be a millionaire to become a role model. As long as you are reaching out to others and influencing them to do the right things in the little space you are playing in, you are a role model.
3) Openness and readiness to accept others:
A role model should eschew tribalism, ethnicity, nepotism, favouritism and the like. A role model should be seen to always embrace inclusiveness and diversity in all he or she does and wherever they are. You must accept others for who they are not for what you can get from them or for the people’s statuses.
4) The capacity to influence others:
A role model ought to inspire others positively. The person should be passionate enough to empower those looking up to them, especially for them to achieve their goals and aspirations in life.
5) Resilience and strength:
The willingness to stand up for any form of problem and to see to it that you win makes you a force to reckon with. The truth is, success is quite contagious and people will naturally love whoever shows them that success is possible no matter what happens. Therefore, the ability to accept your weakness, and surmount the obstacles to become great in life positions you as a role model. Role models are conquerors in all spheres of life.
6) A role model should look up to another:
It is a serious matter for you to keenly observe whether or not your role model has someone else he or she equally looks up to or submits under their tutelage. Remember the saying, no man is an island. And, a tree can never make a forest.
So, I encourage you to run away from whoever that stands alone in this whole world. Anyone you cannot tell whom they follow, please, don’t get any closer, let alone make such a fellow your role model.
7) Role models have no age barriers.
A youth can be there for you if he or she has certain qualities that you lack in particular aspects of your life. Don’t be shy to identify with those who have gone ahead of you no matter the age difference. Age is not equal to wisdom.
In conclusion, there are many more potentials to explore when choosing who your role model should be. As a parent, you should, first and foremost, be your children’s role model before they go on to choose outsiders as such.
As I mentioned earlier, never expect your role model to be perfect. The only perfect one is the Holy One (God and His son, Jesus).
Other editions will explore major issues about role models like Conflicting terminologies many are confused about and/or regard as role models alongside the place of parents as role models. Thereafter, I will begin to delve into featuring different personalities who possess these qualities discussed above or are much more.