“Don’t forget that God allowed Satan to sift the quality of those who profess to worship Him. God cannot be mocked. If Satan wins this battle, then God was never in your Ministry in the first place. Your millions of admirers across the globe will be greatly disappointed but they will not make any mistake about the truth.
“You sure must know that your admirers, even from other Christian denominations are in their millions. Many of them look up to you as their role model. Think again. Must you let them down? Is this idea of divorcing Chris so binding? Think about it again. Is this not selfishness? Here in England, many homes break up, with their families torn apart.[eap_ad_2] But when you look at the situation closely, you find that selfishness on the part of one of the spouses was the fundamental reason the family broke up. Should that be the testimony of your Ministry? Would you allow material things like money or alleged sexual indulgence destroy your Ministry and make a mockery of all you have invested into it? To remain married, spouses must be ready for a long-term commitment in every conceivable respect, financially, emotionally and in terms of maturity and ageing.
“Having said this much, I would like to quickly point out that there are many things about marriages, especially among Christian Families that are often taken for granted. One of them is the sacrosanct promise publicly recited by couples in front of their witnesses, and in front of God. They usually vow to love, cherish and respect each other “until death do us part!” Think about the admonition God gave Adam in the Holy Book. Adam and his wife Eve were the first recorded couple on earth, according to our Christian belief. God created the Garden of Eden for them, with all the glamour and beauty that the scenic environment portrayed, just as He has prospered Christ Embassy. The Holy Book mentions that husband and wife explored the Garden naked. They were not ashamed of their nakedness. They must have been as innocent as a newly born child. That was how God wanted them to be – innocent. God specifically told Adam not to eat of the forbidden fruit in the centre of the Garden of Eden. God told him: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.”
“The serpent, described in the Holy Book as “more cunning than any beast of the field that the Lord had made” prevailed on Eve and she convinced her husband to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit. But Adam lived for many more years before his physical demise. It means that God was not talking about the physical death of Adam. God meant that Adam would die spiritually. Adam’s spiritual death was not interpreted at the time God told him he would die if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. No one knew the mind of God when He spoke to Adam about the tree. But God’s decree happened. The spiritual death of Adam and his wife ushered sin and death into the world. For disobeying God, Adam died spiritually and his death distanced him and his wife from God.
“By the same token, modern marriages can die spiritually. When husband and wife fail to upkeep their vow to cherish, love and respect each other; when selfishness and the desire to be the one left standing at the end of the day is inadvertently at the centre of their relationship; when the ill-conceived advice of “frienemies” (half friends and half enemies) holds sway in their marriage, that union is doomed to spiritual death. The couple will be separated from each other, just as Adam was separated from God. The couple may still be living together as Adam and Eve continued to live in the Garden of Eden. But in the spirit, they have been disconnected from God who brought them together initially.
“Yes. Even the Elders and Pastors of Christ Embassy are not free from all this. They too have a case to answer. No Christian marriage can simply crash without series of warnings. And we make haste to ask: where were the Elders and other Pastors of Christ Embassy when this entire trouble started? Where were they when it continued and when it was allowed to escalate to this world-wide level? Where were they? What did they observe? What was revealed to them, even in their prayers? And what did they do to salvage the ugly incident that was coming on to daint the image of Christ Embassy?