Sierra Rutile, the minerals sands producer, has taken a decision to limit production at its operations in Sierra Leone as the Ebola virus takes its toll on the West African nation, it emerged on Monday. Sierra Leonean
This move comes at a time when the government in Sierra Leone is planning to enforce a three-day travel lockdown in an effort to stop the spread of the deadly virus.
It is understood that Sierra Leone government is set to launch a travel lockdown between Friday and Sunday this week.
However, Sierra Rutile said it will attempt raise its operations up to minimise the negative impact of the suspension of the operations. It said exports of products to clients will not be disturbed.[eap_ad_2]
Its operations have so far not had reported cases of Ebola and are expected to produce limited material during the three days of the lockdown.
“Essential services such as the power plant and health clinic will continue to operate as normal, ensuring the safety of its employees is maintained and enabling the company to restart full operations immediately afterwards,” it said on Monday.
“Sierra Rutile will seek to optimise its operations and workforce during the time leading up to and after the restriction period to minimise, as best as possible, the overall impact on the business,” it continued.
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa – which is the most affected in this region on the African continent – has now taken the lives of more than 2.400, according to the World Health Organization.
The countries mostly affected by the outbreak of Ebola include Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. (VENTURES AFRICA)