The King’s Speech is a 2010 British historical drama film directed by Tom Hooper and written by David Seidler. Colin Firth plays King George VI who, to cope with a stammer, sees Lionel Logue, an Australian speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush. The men become friends as they work together, and after his brother abdicates the throne, the new King relies on Logue to help him make his first wartime radio broadcast on Britain’s declaration of war on Germany in 1939.
Seidler read about George VI’s life after overcoming a stuttering condition he endured during his youth. He started writing about the relationship between the monarch and his therapist as early as the 1980s, but at the request of the King’s widow, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, he postponed work until her death in 2002. He later rewrote his screenplay for the stage to focus on the essential relationship between the two protagonists.
Nine weeks before filming began, Logue’s notebooks were discovered and quotations from them were incorporated into the script. By far the most amazing thing about the movie is how the actor doesn’t stammer in reality. Yes. Not much of a big deal ey? Watch it first, will you?
The Social Network
Director: David Fincher Writers: Aaron Sorkin (screenplay), Ben Mezrich (book-The Accidental Billionaires) Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake The Social Network is a 2010 American drama film adapted from Ben Mezrich’s 2009 book “The Accidental Billionaires”, the film portrays the founding of social networking website Facebook and the resulting lawsuits. It stars Jesse Eisenberg as founder Mark Zuckerberg (and I must say, he pulled off Mark pretty well), along with Andrew Garfield as Eduardo Saverin and Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker, the other principals involved in the website’s creation. Neither Zuckerberg nor any other Facebook staff were involved with the project, although Saverin was a consultant for Mezrich’s book.
The film received widespread acclaim, with critics praising it for its editing, acting, score, direction and screenplay. However, some people, including Zuckerberg himself, criticized the film for its many inaccuracies.
The Social Network appeared on 78 critics’ Top 10 list for 2010; of those critics, 22 had the film in their number-one spot.
Rolling Stone’s Peter Travers said “The Social Network is the movie of the year. But Fincher and Sorkin triumph by taking it further. Lacing their scathing wit with an aching sadness, they define the dark irony of the past decade.”
American Gangster
Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Steven Zaillian, Mark Jacobson (article-The Return of Superfly) Stars: Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe and Chiwetel Ejiofor “Ma mehn”
What’s that? You haven’t watched the movie? You aren’t a real G ma nig. Nah. All real Gs have watched the greatest 2007 American biographical drama crime movie ma nig. The film is based on the criminal career of Frank Lucas, a gangster from La Grange, North Carolina who smuggled heroin into the United States on American service planes returning from the Vietnam War.
Now if that’s not gangsta, I don’t know what is.
One of my favourite quotes from the movie is “Blue magic. It’s a brand name. Like Pepsi. I stand behind it. I guarantee it”
The movie was so awesome, a whole Jay Z had to make an album entitled after it. Yeah. Yeah G. Yeah.
Director: Gabriele Muccino Writer: Steve Conrad Stars:Will Smith, Thandie Newton and Jaden Smith I got the spelling right oh ye Grammar Nazi.
Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film based on Chris Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness. Gabriele Muccino directed this masterpiece with Will Smith starring as Gardner (It’s my boy ‘Master William’ so you know it’s worth it) who is an on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned stockbroker. Smith’s son Jaden Smith co-stars, making his film debut as Gardner’s son Christopher Jr.
The unusual spelling of the film’s title comes from a sign Gardner saw when he was homeless. In the film, “happiness” is misspelled as “happyness” outside the daycare facility Gardner’s son attends.
This movie is one of the few movies that moved a full grown man like me to tears. The movie is simply beautiful. One can only imagine what the real Gardner went through.[eap_ad_4]